Why You Should Consider Planting Wildflower & Bee Seeds
We all know that planting wildflowers will attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies to your garden within an astonishingly short amount of time, benefiting them as well as creating a beautiful space for you to enjoy. However, did you know that planting wildflower and bee grass seeds can have other benefits too?
It isn’t just butterflies and bees that will benefit from wildflower planting, birds of all descriptions benefit from a more diverse eco-system in which to gather nest materials, hunt and forage. The more diverse the plant life, the more insects are attracted – a main food group of many birds beyond our lawn loving blackbirds.
Remember the food chain diagrams from primary school? Starting with plants, through insects to birds and other predators all the way to mammals - it is obvious to see how improving the variety of plants can lead to larger animals such as hedgehogs visiting our gardens.
With so many native species in decline a wildflower area can be an effective tool in helping to sustain our native species.
With pets and children - as well as wildlife using our gardens regularly, it is important to keep them safe by minimising their exposure to chemicals. Growing vegetables and plants with as few pesticides as possible is an aim for many gardeners, but did you know growing wildflowers can help this?
A varied habitat of wildflower areas from mixes such as GSS Bee Master Mix will attract all sorts of insects. Predators of insects such as aphids will be encouraged, thus minimising the need for harsh and potentially damaging pesticides.
Wildflowers can provide some of the most stunning displays of colour, structure and shape to a garden. Knowing what seeds are commonly used in each mix can help you plan and design your garden adding vivid colours and beauty to your display.
Wildflower areas can be tailored to be unique to you and your garden requirements - you do not have to sacrifice your design goals in order to be eco-friendly.
Wildflower mixes can quickly provide a cost-effective solution for your garden with blooming rates within 6 weeks of sowing. Mixes combining perennials and annuals provide beautiful flowers all year long. Additionally, self-germinating species are highly cost-effective providing a lifetime of blooms after planting only once.
Hardy and strong mixes can withstand even the harshest winter reducing the need to replace every spring and provide a beautiful garden all year long.
Utilise Space
Wildflowers are native meaning that no matter what soil type you have, it is possible to find seeds that will flourish even in previously inhospitable areas of your garden.
Match your Locality
Did you know it is possible to find grass seed specially designed to match the surrounding landscape? For example, GSS Wildflowers GP contains the wildflowers found in farm land and as such helps gardens blend seamlessly into the local area.
Low Maintenance
Campaigns such as No Mow May have demonstrated the importance of letting plants and grasses grow uninterrupted. As wildflowers are self-pollinating, they are maintenance-free, meaning less work for you and more time to enjoy the beautiful space you have created for nature and yourself.
For more help and guidance - contact our expert team.