Protein Forage Crops & Planning....
Protein Crops
With the continuing shift in thinking with regards farm sustainability, and costs of bought in feeds, we have been designing and testing many GSS seed mixtures.
In this blog it is time to look at growing protein crops at home, home grown protein crops are now much easier to grow and will give you the yields per hectare required. They will also grow fro enough years without a lot of costly inputs, we now have good numbers of organic livestock farmers growing their own protein crops. So conventional and organic, it can be done.
The bonus of all this is multifold, feed your livestock, enhance your soil biology, improve your plant diversity, promote extra wildlife activities, and of course reduce your bought in feed costs.
When animals are growing skeleton, they need higher protein levels, so why not grow higher protein forages at home…????
After much trailing of Agri GSS Mixtures we have a super range available to Organic and Conventional livestock farmers, which work in most soil conditions and areas of the country. We are very proud indeed that our mixtures are designed in a way that they work in the field but also and very importantly work in the livestock ration.
Here at GSS we call this “joined up thinking” we are one of the only UK seed providers that have the ability to consider the reason the crops are being used for, after all they are no use to livestock if they just look good, but don’t feed the way they are supposed to.
In this blog, we look at the use of GSS Progrow, an excellent grass based mixture which has the added advantage of red clovers and lucerne, the GSS Progrow has taken many years to get the balance of the formulation right.
Typically we would expect around 10kg(fresh) to be feed into a livestock (dairy) total mixed ration (TMR), this will give the balance of energy and protein when mixed with standard grass silage made from the likes of GSS Endurance.
The real extra kick from GSS Progrow is that fact that it will help to improve the soil structure and biology, whilst feeding bees (pollinators) from the red clover and lucerne flowers.
It is very common for this fabulous crop to last for 3-4 years, which is the same expected lifespan of most red clover mixtures found on the market. On the right land and system it can last longer, but it is likely that the yields per hectare will be reduced over longer periods of time.
Our team of experienced advisors are always on hand to help and assist where needed, simply fill in the contact and we will come back to you…
Grow better and more high quality home grown forages….